Slide & Negative Conversion to JPEG
We offer the digital conversion of several types of slides.
35mm, Super 35mm, 126 Format, Mounted 110, Half Frame 35mm
JPEG is a widely used file format for storing and sharing digital images.
JPEG's are compatible with most browsers, software and apps.
4000 dpi scanning using Nikon COOLSCAN / Scratch Removal / Color Restoration / Cropping & Orientation
Conversion to Jpeg Digital File.
You will receive your image files on a USB Thumb Drive (additional cost for drive).
We only scan slides in cardboard or plastic frames (no metal or glass).
Be sure to number each slide or they will be scanned in random order.
Digital Download to your computer
(Selecting this option will add additional cost to the items being converted).
All slides are scanned at our Orem, Utah location.
Shipping your slides to:
Channell Media
563 N 355 W
Orem, Utah 84057
Place your slides into a sturdy box with packing material.
Be sure to use a shipping company that can track your package.
Please call 801-787-4809 if you have any questions.